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Sandra Hahn has been serving as a proud member in the Board of Directors of The Los Angeles Music & Art School for the past 15 years, on the LATC board, currently a Los Angeles County Art & Culture Commissioner 4th District, and believes that "Art Education is for Everyone" starting with young children. The youth deserve to have access to quality art, music, and dance to help expand learning boundaries and to use art as an outlet and a means of communication.


Sandra Hahn

Art Consultant / ArtCrawl Fest Productions

Angie Medina retired from LA County after working 33 years in the Department of Health Services and has worked as a volunteer on various Boards including, National Hispanic Media Coalition, The Wall Las Memorias, President of the LA County Hispanic Manager’s Association, and SPIRRIT Family Services. She is also a founding member and current Chair of the Whittier Latino Coalition and was appointed to the CA State Domestic Violence Council and the Minority Health Council.

Angie took the lead with the Voter Rights Lawsuit working with the lead attorneys that resulted in the creation of council  districts in Whittier elections. She has also worked on various political campaigns. She is currently a CA State Dental Board Member appointed by the Assembly Speaker and LA County Library Commissioner appointed by Supervisor Janice Hahn.


Her motivation for all her community work is to promote the civic participation and political empowerment of Latinos in all areas of the community.


Angie Medina

Silent Auction Director / Field Assistant

"My Marketing business was launched in 1998, when I sold my first business website. Over the years I've expanded my experience with graphic design, email marketing, social media, video production and event coordinator. I've enjoyed coordinating local events such as the Whittier Uptown Association Christmas Parades, Antique Faires, Car Shows, Farmer's Markets, The Uptown Whittier Artcrawl along with live television spots on FOX 11 News Weekend Round Up. I enjoy being an entrepreneur, marketer, designer and consultant. I especially enjoy the people and friends I make along my way."


Marie Ortiz

Field Assistant

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